
Will My Credits Transfer? Answers From a TCE Supervisor


“Will my credits transfer?” is a popular question for prospective and current students. You want to ensure your hard work from the past will count toward your future. At Florida Tech, we want to support our students on their path to graduation, and that includes making sure the appropriate credits from other institutions transfer.

We talked to Judith Gassman, former Credential Evaluator Supervisor at Florida Tech’s Office of Online Learning, about how long the transfer credit evaluation (TCE) process takes, the main factors in determining if a credit will transfer and more. The following interview was conducted when Gassman worked at Florida Tech

Note: The answers in this document pertain to transfer institutions within the U.S. and for Florida Tech’s online undergraduate program.

How long have you been working for Florida Tech?

I worked for Florida Tech for almost 18 years. The first nine years was spent with the Melbourne campus Office of the Registrar primarily focusing on undergraduate transfer credits. Then I was able to turn my attention toward launching online undergraduate programs with the Office of Online Learning focusing on undergraduate admissions and all things impacted by undergraduate transfer credit evaluating.

What did your position as Credential Evaluator Supervisor entail?

Primarily, I managed and supervised a team of credential evaluators in the evaluation of documents for admission decisions and transfer credit equivalencies. In addition, I ensured that the unit adheres to policy and established processes as they relate to other administrative processes.

What did you most enjoy about your position?

What I most enjoyed about my position was learning about domestic and international education systems, keeping current with industry changes and being able to use that information to help students transition to Florida Tech in the most efficient way possible.

What advice can you share with current and potential students on transfer credit transcript evaluation?

The best advice is to become familiar with the transfer credit policy for each prospective institution. Each institution establishes its own policy based on programs offered and accreditation guidelines. What one institution will consider for transfer may or may not be considered by another institution. Florida Tech’s policy ensures students are academically prepared to succeed in current programs and is disclosed via the following link:

Can you provide a general timeline on the transfer credit evaluation process?

Once the student receives the official admission notification, the general timeline to receive the transfer credit evaluation is within 10-14 business days – often sooner!

How can a student tell which of their credits has transferred before classes start?

A student may take classes up to two consecutive terms prior to admission and TCE. This allows time to retrieve all official transcripts and any other documents required for admission. The student services representative works with the student and the academic department to avoid enrolling a student into a class for which transfer credit may be awarded.

A student can tell which of their credits transferred once the TCE notification is issued to the student via email – this may be before or after the start of classes. The TCE cover letter provides the next step: access to academic departmental contacts, appeal instructions and other useful information.

What are transferable credits and which transfer credits will be accepted or applied to the selected program?

Transferable’ credits are those transfer courses eligible for transfer credit review based on the receiving institution’s transfer credit policy. Credits received are ‘transfer’ credits.

Accepted or applicable’ credits are those transfer credits received and then used to meet program requirements. At Florida Tech, the student’s academic department of the selected program determines how transfer credits are accepted or applied.

It is possible to receive transfer credits without the credits applying to the selected program.

What are the main factors when evaluating for transfer credits?

Main factors include:

  • Is the transcript official per policy?
  • Is the transfer institution regionally accredited?
  • At the time the course was taken, did the transfer institution operate under the quarter or semester system? Because Florida Tech operates on the semester systems, is the quarter-to-semester hour conversion process required?
  • Did the transfer course earn a grade of at least C- and credit hours?
  • Is the transfer course at the undergraduate or graduate level? At Florida Tech, only undergraduate transfer courses are eligible for undergraduate transfer credit review.
  • After comparing the course description of the transfer course from the term in which the course was taken to current courses taught by Florida Tech, is the content and credit hours of the transfer course equal or somewhat comparable to a current Florida Tech course?
  • When was the transfer course taken? Does Florida Tech’s policy for older transfer courses apply?

For more information on transfer credits, check out this page on Florida Tech’s website on transfer credits.


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