
AA in Healthcare Management Curriculum

AA in Healthcare Management

Gain healthcare management knowledge and a liberal arts foundation in Florida Tech's healthcare management associate's degree online.


Core Courses


Choose COM 1101 or WRI 1001 (Dependent on Placement Test Score).

Information Systems

Choose one of the following:


Choose one of the following:

Humanities Core

Choose one of the following:


Physical/Life Sciences

Choosetwo of the following:

Total Courses

Core Courses

64 credits


64 credits

Tuition and curriculum are subject to change. For the official curriculum for this degree please visit the Florida Tech Catalog.

ASC1006 - Mastering eLearning

Credits: 1

Helps students new to Florida Tech and online learning to adjust to the university and acquire essential academic and administrative survival skills (online classroom behavior, academic honesty, study skills, etc.) that enhance academic integration into college.

BUS1801 - Global Business Perspectives

Credits: 3

Surveys the functions and operations of business organizations in a global marketplace. Studies the structure, operation, financing, relationships and responsibilities of firms in context of current legal, social, regulatory and environmental issues. Requires critical thinking, communication, research, and individual and group problem solving.

CIS1140 - Business Computer Skills

Credits: 3

Uses commercial software to understand the business functions of computers and develop personal competency in practical application of computers in business. Provides specific knowledge and advanced capabilities in various skills necessary for effective performance in academic and practical environments.

EAC2211 - Principles of Accounting 1

Credits: 3

Introduces the financial environment, financial statements, the accounting cycle and the theoretical framework of accounting measurement, emphasizing mechanics, measurement theory and the economic environment.

EAC2212 - Principles of Accounting 2

Prerequisite: BUS 2211 or EAC 2211

Credits: 3

Continues EAC 2211 Principles of Accounting 1. Emphasizes understanding the role of accounting in product costing, costing for quality, cost-justifying investment decisions, and performance evaluation and control of human behavior.

EEC2303 - Introduction to Macroeconomics

Prerequisite: MTH 1000 or MTH 1001 or MTH 1701 or MTH 1702

Credits: 3

Introduces the concepts that aid in understanding both aggregate economic conditions and the policy alternatives designed to stabilize national economies. Includes the determination of GDP and national income, inflation, unemployment, monetary policy, economic growth and exchange rates.

EEC2304 - Introduction to Microeconomics

Prerequisite: MTH 1000 or MTH 1001 or MTH 1010 or MTH 1701 or MTH 1702

Credits: 3

Introduces the neoclassical theory of price determination. Includes supply and demand analysis, production and cost theory, market structures, externalities and public goods, factor payments, income distribution and informational asymmetries.

EHC1103 - Medical Ethics

Credits: 3

Examines the moral problems that arise in the practice of medicine. Covers theories about what is good and what is right as related to bioethical and socioethical issues.

EHC3302 - Healthcare Organizations

Credits: 3

Studies the U.S. healthcare system. Includes structure, finance, governance, personnel and cultural values. Emphasizes the influences exerted by the economic, political and social forces within the larger society and the healthcare system’s response to these influences.

EHC3303 - Managed Care

Credits: 3

Analyzes the organizational structure and management of managed healthcare. Emphasizes current trends including the payment and financial aspects of America’s managed healthcare system.

ELA2601 - Law 1

Credits: 3

Investigates the operational responsibilities of individuals in light of political, moral, social, ethical and jurisprudential considerations.

EMG3301 - Principles of Management

Prerequisite: COM 1102

Credits: 3

Introduces management as a discipline and process. Includes evolution and scope of management, decision-making, planning, strategy, organizing, staffing, leading, control, change, and the importance of management in the global environment and ethical considerations of management decisions.

HUM2051 - Civilization 1: Ancient through Medieval

Prerequisite: COM 1102

Credits: 3

Introduces civilization from its early development to the European Renaissance. Emphasizes the interpretation of primary texts that reflect the intellectual and historical changes in society. The first of two interdisciplinary courses.

COM1101 - Composition and Rhetoric

Requirement(s): Passing grade on placement exam or prerequisite course. Prerequisite: COM 0100 or COM 0110 or WRI 0100 or WRI 0110

Credits: 3

The first of two courses in college-level writing skills. Focuses on writing essays using various rhetorical modes: persuasion, description, comparison and analysis. Presents basic methods of library research, as well as the MLA documentation system. Students write one research paper and several essays.

WRI1001 - First Year Writing 2

Requirement(s): Second in a two-course series. Passing score on placement exam or prerequisite course. Prerequisite: WRI 1000

Credits: 3

Continues work begun in WRI 1000. Includes study in rhetorical analysis and the conventions of various genres. Also includes intensive instruction in writing and revision of work that culminates in a research paper.

COM1102 - Writing About Literature

Prerequisite: COM 1001 or COM 1101

Credits: 3

The second of two courses in college-level writing skills. Focuses on reading and analyzing poems, plays and short works of fiction. Students write several essays and one research paper on literary topics.

2000-Level Course

Choose one 2000-level (or higher) communication course.

Credits: 3

EAC3214 - Accounting Information Systems

Prerequisite: EAC 2212

Credits: 3

Covers the principles involved in establishing an accounting information system. Includes source documents, internal controls and the interfaces needed for managerial control of the business. Studies the integration of managerial accounting information needs with the design and implementation of systems.

BUS 5460 - Management Information Systems

Credits: 3

Addresses policy and management issues surrounding information systems in today’s enterprises: strategic use, organizational impact, project management, human resource issues and other topics germane to understanding management information systems.

1000-Level Course

Choose one 1000-level (or higher) math course.

Credits: 3

MTH1701 - College Algebra

Requirement(s): Passing grade on placement exam or prerequisite course. Prerequisite: MTH 0111 or MTH 1011

Credits: 3

Real-number system; arithmetic operations with polynomials, special products and factoring; linear, fractional and quadratic equations; inequalities, exponents, radicals and absolute values; functions and graphs; and complex numbers, logarithms, logarithmic and exponential functions. Credit can only be applied toward business, communication, humanities, management, psychology or computer information systems degrees at Florida Tech.

1000-Level Course

Choose two 1000-level or higher (BIO, CHM, EDS, ENS, MET, OCN, PHY, SPS) courses.

Credits: 3

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